Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Eva's shawl, done

I have been so busy the last couple of days.....
and the weather was rather unusual last Saturday, when we drove to Klagenfurt to collect our son, coming home from Hastings. (he was so upset because he could not jump into the sea, but the swimming was forbidden because it was too windy). Guess what - it was snowing.....
And this is my - really mine, see the owl - Eva's shawl. Partly araucania, partly Posh yarn, with the colours perfectly matching my bag and my office mug. Alas my smartphone has lot of pix, but the colours are not so realistic. The shawlette will be very useful in my everyday fight against the air condition at the office. When it's cold outside, we are chilling, when it's hot, the air condition is broken. The building maneger needs an exorcism.


  1. Ma ma ma... già finito? Velocissima!!!

  2. sai com'e' - piu' sono sotto stress, piu' veloce lavoricchio. devo smaltire le tonnelate di avanzi, elegantemente, scraps, di lana che non vestiro' mai.

  3. Bellissimo Eva! Perfettamente intonato alla tua tazza da ufficio e alla tua borsa :) Spero di vedere presto dal vivo tutta la produzione!

  4. I love the shawl, beautiful colours!
    Thank you for your nice comment on my blog :)

    Un abbraccio forte,
