Sunday, 18 September 2011

Time for crochet

 Strucked by an You tube video posted on FB by Rosalba Strega (immediatly slurped) I decided the "chaleto" was the right project for partialy destash my sock yarn basket(s). There was this Lana grossa Solo Tono waiting for me to make something out of those 3 skeins. Socks? No way, but a crocheted "chaleto", yes. I added another Lana grossa bargain purchase, a synthetic purple yarn I just don't know why did I bought it. It was really cheap, on sale, that's all I remember. Well, now the yarn has regained in dignity. Just guess how the project will turn out one of these days.  


  1. A parte che tu hai sempre delle gamme cromatiche meravigliose e che tiri fuori sempre il meglio dalla tua quello che vedo è un uncinetto o un'opera d'arte????? :))
